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Burial: Erasing Erasure (2017)

Burial: Erasing Erasure (2017)

Burial: Erasing Erasure (2017)

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Burial: Erasing Erasure (2017)

Gladys Kalichini

(Lusaka, Zambia, 1989)

Dana Whabira

Burial: Erasing Erasure is about creating both personal and communal experiences for mourning and remembering, as well as considering ways of dealing with the loss/disappearance of stories about women who are historically important.


The concept is to create a place of mourning and ritual, on one level drawing from, or recalling, or bringing back into memory and writing back into history narratives about women. On another level, it considers the mourning of women’s stories that have been erased or that are in the process of disappearing.


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