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One of the most urgent agendas of life in the 21st century is the relationship between humanity and nature.

  • Observe the image of the work Familia en el alegre verdor, by Argentine artists Chiachio & Giannone on the Biennial 12 website.

  • Think about how the hierarchies between human beings and nature are represented in this image.

  • How does this image help to think about ways to inhabit the world?

  • Pay a visit to the artist profiles on the Biennial 12 website. What other works can help us to think about the relationship between art, nature and contemporary life?

CHIACHIO & GIANNONE - Sobre La Familia e

#03 Nature and Contemporary World


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Publish on your social networks using the hashtag #educativobienal12 and marking @bienalmercosul .

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Chiachio e Giannone

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