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Simone de Beauvoir's phrase, reframed by the various contemporary feminisms, points to the fact that being a woman is a social construction. Many of the artists at Biennial 12 present plural perspectives on ways of being women in different times and societies.


Observe the images of the following works: Mujer de ver, by Peruvian artist Natalia Iguiñiz; #dominicanwomengooglesearch, by Dominican artist Joiri Minaya; and Mirar, by the mapuche artist Sebastián Calfuqueo.

  • How many these are  women? What brings them together? What sets them apart?


  • From what contexts are these images constructed in the works mentioned?

“One is not born, but rather becomes a woman”.

#02 Essentialism


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Natalia Iguiñiz

Joiri Minaya

Sebastián Calfuqueo

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